Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Sorry it's been a while. My dad forgot to put the chair close enough to the desk for me to type. He kept thinking I just wanted a cookie, and I didn't say no when he offered one. I usually forgot that I wanted to post anyway. There's been a few good trails. The best one I remember was being the FRB at the Chuck Norris trail. I keep wondering when I'm going to get my OnOn foot. I think the Body keeps "forgetting I'm there" because he's jealous of me or something since I am Tits R 4 Tricks favorite. (I love her meat.)

It's getting hotter I was tired for 2 days after helping lay trail last Sunday. It was nice to see Father Bob but I miss my friend Todd and my friend Phineas and my friend Sara - I must be getting old to miss so many friends so soon.

Only one more month till the races. I hope I'll be ready.

I'm sure The Body is keeping track of your runs, just as long as you're paying your $5!
Good luck with the training, weiner dog.
Pukie, you hash for free, eat our food, drink our beer, lick our women, and now you want prizes too? Geesh, you're worse that some hashers (aka Brownie and a few nameless women).
I meant nameless hashers not women
Best Trail he remembers is the Chuck Norris, the weiner has some serious taste in trails.
Chuck Norris hash sucked! Got my 1st case of poison ivy on that friggen trail. And how many times did I slip in that stupid creek?!!
At least there were no dead cows in this creek
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